Exploration And Discoveries Content

Name the first person who journeyed through China, India and other parts of Asia from 1271-94

(C) Marco Polo

Name the person who discovered sea route from Europe to India

(A) Vasco da Gama

Christopher Columbus landed on mainland of South America in

Name the first to sail round the world; discovered the Magallan Strait, reached the Philippines and named the Pacific

(C) Ferdinand Magallan

Name the person who discovered Canada and explored St. Lawennie from 1534-36

(A) Jacquies Cartier

Name the person who sailed around the world in the Golden Hind during 1557-80

(A) Sir Francis Drake

Name the Person who discovered Australia in 1606?

(B) William 'anszoon

Who among the following discovered, New Zealand, The Tonga and Fiji Island in 16427

(B) Abel Tasman

Name the Person who discovered Zambia and Victoria Falls from 1852-73?

(A) David Living Stone